·         Nuffield Health, a healthcare charity, has appointed Melanie Webber Maybank

as Hospital Director for its Cardiff and Vale hospitals

Local resident Melanie Webber Maybank, Hospital Director, has taken over from Rob Thomas, who is now Health Systems Director for Wales and West.  Melanie joined Nuffield Health as Matron nine years ago, after a 25 year career in the NHS. Now leading the healthcare charity’s Cardiff and Vale Hospitals, she is keen to be involved in the community and let people know how healthcare can support people locally.

Melanie began her nurse training at Prince Charles Hospital in Merthyr and then worked at Morriston Hospital, Swansea, University Hospital Llandough in Penarth and at University Hospital of Wales in various nursing, teaching and leadership roles. In addition to her former hands-on role as Matron, she undertook her Masters in Management and Leadership degree and has recently completed her Executive Masters in Business Administration. She has published in healthcare journals about patient flow in healthcare.


Hospital Director Melanie says, “With our talented teams, we are delighted to support the healthcare of our local communities, assisting with prevention and treatment of injuries and providing connected health and well-being services to make people healthier, fitter, happier and stronger, all under our charitable umbrella.”



We have a strong reputation for quality, safety and excellence in orthopaedics, joint care  and spinal surgery, as well as all types of eye surgery, ear, nose and throat treatment, general surgery and men’s and women’s health. Our diagnostic, hospital and physiotherapy facilities at both the Cardiff Bay and the Vale hospitals are absolutely first class.  Due to our connected approach, our hospitals and gyms support people within the local community to live healthier lives; those who have health insurance, or who those  pay for their care themselves and support the local NHS Health Boards,” adds Melanie.


“We have several free events where people can book in to learn about various specialities and view our outstanding facilities at open evenings being held at The Vale Hospital at Hensol Castle Park. On 27 October, with Mouli Doddi you can learn about ear nose and throat issues and snoring treatments, and on 8 November, Andy Thomas will guide you through prostate symptoms. The events are free and you can book online or ring to reserve your place.”

Find out more at: www.nuffieldhealth.com/hospitals/cardiff-and-vale/

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