It’s no secret the Duchess of Sussex likes to go against royal protocol. From foregoing of tights for her engagement photos to her public displays of affection, Meghan certainly pushes back.

Recent reports suggest Meghan is planning to break tradition by giving birth at a maternity ward in Windsor. Traditionally, the Royals favour either a home birth or the Lindo Wing at St Mary’s Hospital in London.

The births are most notable for the photos on the steps outside the wing following the birth.

Many will recall, following the birth of Prince Louis, Kate was posing on the steps within hours of giving birth.

The shock of seeing her just hours after the birth made-up and in heels was noted by many mothers. The response was one of awe and bewilderment at her form following the birth.

Why does Meghan break protocol so much?

Meghan advocates herself as a strong feminist and has publically spoken about her wish for her child to share those values.

By establishing herself in the media before even meeting Harry, she has a strong sense of self. This has provided her with the strength of character to push against the pressure of royal ideals.

This reluctance to bow under pressure is perhaps why Meghan has had such a tough time from media outlets.

However, for other outlets, she is viewed as a source of inspiration. Her good-natured, approachable personality has bridged a gap between people and the Royals for many.

Last week, Meghan’s tendency to break the rules inspired an open letter addressed to her from Fridababy in a full-page New York Times ad.


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Dear Royal Mom-To-Be, You will soon give birth to one of the most anticipated babies in the world and like your princess predecessors, you’ll be expected to parade outside of the hospital in front of throngs of photographers to show off your new bundle of joy shortly after giving birth. You’ll smile, you’ll wave, you’ll be radiant, but between your legs will be a whole different story.

Sure your blowout will be perfect for your hospital step photo-op, but people will be opining on all the wrong things instead of having an honest conversation about what women go through during birth and immediately thereafter. In my line of work we tackle the side of childbirth that won’t get as much airtime. Women are breaking down barriers left and right, so why is it still considered taboo to talk about the raw aftermath of what your body just went through?

Spoiler alert: bringing a new life into the world usually starts with your vagina, and the aftermath is a mess. The bleeding and swelling will linger, peeing will burn, and sitting like your old self will feel like a herculean feat. And if it’s a C-section, there’s a whole host of other issues to tend to.

So when the “big reveal” day arrives but you’re feeling like all the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put your vagina back together again – use this stage to do your part for all women who are about to embark on their first “fourth trimester.” Skip the pomp and circumstance of the baby parade. Let the headlines instead read: “Prince Brings Royal Baby Out Because Mom Is in Bed Sitting on a Pack of Ice.” And if you really can’t skip it, then at the very least flash us a glimpse of the mesh underwear underneath to keep it real. With your help we’ll have made some real progress. We’ll be rooting for you on your path to recovery and hope you take all the time you need – because raising a human requires feeling like a human. Trust us, your vagina (and baby) will thank you.

Chelsea Hirschhorn, mom of 3+CEO

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The letter begins addressed to, “An Open Letter to the Royal Mom-To-Be.” The letter asked her to forego the blown-out, high-heeled steps pictures. It argued the photos present an unrealistic expectation of a woman post-birth.

Meghan seems to agree with this sentiment and by giving birth in Windsor, hopes to avoid the media frenzy.

Words by Corrie David
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