From 1 to 2… how it’s going and what I’m learning!

Making the transition from one to two kids is a bit of a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, you’ve got experience the second time around, so you won’t feel quite so lost when it comes to feedings, nappies and sleep.

On the other hand, you now have two little ones to deal with and only one pair of hands!

One thing is for sure your heart is bursting with love and pride. The fact I have made two beautiful little children is beyond anything you ever thought achievable. I do wonder some days how I got here? What is happening? I think parents always have a moment like that.

Going back to March 2020… many of the struggles I had when Indy was born was because of my own challenges in becoming a mother and mainly it being peak lockdown. I say ‘struggles’ but just lifestyle adjustments really. Babies are hard, for sure, but caring for a new born is like learning to ride a bike. It’s scary in the beginning, but once you get the hang of it, it’s no big deal. When you bring home your second child, you’ll realise that children are WAY harder than babies. Kids who can speak, walk, eat food, make messes and have the ability to go completely limp when screaming are way more exhausting than tiny humans who sleep and drink milk all day. Also, you may wonder when your first baby got so big. Indy looks like a giant next to Trav is crazy!

Talking of how big Indy is now compared to Travis. Well, remember that feeling of wild and fierce protection over your firstborn? How would you use your body as a human shield to fight anything and anyone off them? Well, it’s the same for Trav but this time the impending danger is Indy wielding a plastic toy and running at record speed, towards Travis. How quickly the tide can turn! Don’t get me wrong, Indy is super loving with Trav, she is just very heavy handed. I’ve had to face palm her a few times when she is charging at Trav with a pen or remind her that Trav is not part of a massive pillow bonfire. Truly though, she absolutely adores him. As fiercely protective as I and always call him her ‘cheeky boy’.

I went back to work in super quick time. There just happened to be a ton of dart tournaments and Wales in the World Cup along with my regular radio show. I was lucky enough to be presented with new opportunities and I took them. I knew how I felt theĀ first time round when I couldn’t work with it and I didn’t want that feeling again, so I have stepped back in front of the microphone and just made it work. People will always message me and ask how I do it but the honest truth is I really want to do it. I love my job and grandparents are the absolute saviours of planet Earth When it comes to childcare. Any working parents I’m sure we tell you that having a great, trusting network around you is key. As I’m not capable of cloning myself, I did feel like I was constantly being pulled in opposite directions. If you are in a similar situation or going to be, you may feel guilty because you’re not able to give as much of your time to number two, as you were to your older child. I did so much with Indy as a new-born, all the classes and YouTube at-home videos, but with Trav he kind of just slots in. You may also feel guilty when you can’t be as present with your first or be there for every afterschool activity, because babies, even easy babies, are still demanding. The guilt is ever present but learn to embrace it. You feel quilty because you care so much and want to be your best for your kids, and that makes you a pretty great Mum!!

Travis is five months now and pretty much the last three months I was working non-stop.

You know me though I love it but I’m writing this in January now and it’s a calm month.

We have had a great couple of weeks just hanging out together. It’s been so much fun and I’m enjoying every second with these little munchkins because I know within a blink of an eye it’s going to be a distant memory and they’re not going to want to spend time with me. That what people keep telling me- so I’m going to enjoy every moment I can-the good, the bad, and the juggling! Roll on a great year!

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